Text Transcript

Annika: “Yo yo what’s up girl” (Speech like interjection)

Me: “Hi bro!!!!!!!!” (Punctuation added for effect)

Annika: “How was it? Wait tell me at school! R u in mufti?” (Logograms)

Me: “Yes I am in mufti”

Me: “Are we actually allowed? Our teachers just said we can wear it if we want to”

Annika: “Yay!” (Speech like interjection)

Annika: “The year eights are”

Annika: “R u on the bus” (ellipsis)

Me: “No sorry not on_bus” (ellipsis)

Annika: “Oh man” (slang)

Me: “:-P” (Emoticon)

Annika (the day after):  “Morning! 🙂 _still ready for me at 8:15?” (Emoticonellipsis)

Me: “Yeee boiii” (repeated letters for emphasis)

Annika: “And pick up at 9:30″ (ellipsis)

Me: “Cool as bruh” (slang)

Annika: “I made cake yesterday too!”

Me: “Yumm!!! Ur cakes are the best :p :p” (Repeated letters & punctuation, Logogram, Emoticon)

Annika: “🙂” (emoticon)

Annika: “_Leaving now might be on time not early” (ellipsisomitted words and punctuation)

Annika: “At_bridge now” (ellipsis)

Me: “Cool beans” (slang)

Me (later on): “DUMBLEDORE IS EPIC” (Uppercase to donate tone) (Change of subject with no apparent reason – I’m not sure of the term for this)

Annika: “Haha I know! R u on the fifth one?”

Me: “Yes_still on the 5th” (ellipsis)

Annika: “Nice, we’re at the house working”

Me: “Fun!! Well I hope its fun anyway haha” (Omitted punctuation, Repeated punctuation, speech-like interjection)

Annika: “Hah! We’re sanding all_the doorways” (ellipsis)

Me: “Wait_ can I call u real quick_” (Logogram, contraction, omitted punctuation)

Annika: “Sure”

Me: “I’ll let u get back to your sanding now hehehe

Annika: “O:-)

Me: “l:D

Annika: “It was an angel”

Me: “Hahahahaha nice” (Speech like interjection, repetition for emphasis)

Me: “_

Annika: “_Going home for lunch! Yea boi!” (ellipsis, slang)

Me: “Yea boiiiii!!” (slang, repeated letters and punctuation)

Annika: “Should I have a wrap or a pita bread_” (Omitted punctuation)

Annika: “Ok_I’m having pita bread”

Annika: “Can I call you_

Me: “Sure”

Me: “Lol” (Acronym)


(N.B In this text conversation, both Annika and I had autocorrect turned on otherwise our spelling would be shocking! There would also be no capital letters involved because that is how we actually type.)







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